Translate Terrace. 7 authoritative translations Terrace in Spanish example sentences, conjugations audio pronunciations.
TERRACE translate: terraza, patio, fila de chalets adosados, terraza [feminine], adosados [masculine]. Learn in Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.
Spanish words terrace include terraza, terraplenar, terraplén, hilera de casas, aterrazar, formar terrazas en, azotera escalonar. Find Spanish words!
terrace - Translation Spanish, pronunciation, forum discussions. . terrace (house, café: patio) terraza nf : John sat a table the café's terrace. John se sentó en la mesa de la terraza del café. terrace n: UK (row attached houses) hilera de casas adosadas loc nom :
The common general translation "terrace" in Spanish "terraza." term widely understood used different Spanish-speaking regions. example: "El restaurante cuenta una hermosa terraza vista al mar." (The restaurant a beautiful terrace overlooking sea.) 2. Balcón al aire libre
Many translated sentences "terrace" - Spanish-English dictionary search engine Spanish translations.
Translation "terrace" Spanish . terraza, terraplenar, terrado the top translations "terrace" Spanish. Sample translated sentence: pair sparrows building nest the terrace my house. ↔ Una pareja de gorriones está construyendo nido en la terraza de mi casa.
Word Terrace translation meaning spanish. Free professional online dictionary . » terrace(d) house = casa adosada, chalet pareado. Example: group parents teachers, however, established temporary school facilities the area pending building a school, 2 terrace houses put use this purpose.
terrace translation English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, also 'Terrace, terraced, trace', examples, definition, conjugation
Learn to "terrace" in Spanish different meanings examples. Find the translations "terrace" a noun, verb, adjective in phrases.
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